Supporting People with Disabilities Since 1956
Our Direct Support Professionals take the people we serve out into the community twice a day, doubling our efforts from last year – and we need YOUR help to do it! The price of gas, vehicle maintenance, and mileage reimbursement are unavoidable expenses, and as a nonprofit organization, we need your investment.
If 10 people sign up for $10 monthly donations, we will be able to continue our efforts to take each of our participants into the community at least twice a month.
We offer eight goal-driven services that are individualized to each participant. All services focus on strengthening independence, giving support for community access, and developing work and/or life skills.
Get Involved
There are several ways to get involved in the mission of the Opportunity Center. You can donate, volunteer, join our team of staff, help with events – and more! Help us create endless possibilities for people with disabilities.
The Opportunity Center of Owensboro provides services through the Support for Community Living (SCL) and Michelle P. Waiver (MPW) Medicaid Waiver programs. The SCL waiver program is a home and community-based program funded by the Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services and administered by DDID (Division of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities). The SCL program was developed to allow a person with developmental disabilities to receive services outside of institutions.
The MPW is part of Kentucky’s 1915(c) HCBS (home and community-based services) Medicaid waiver program. MPW provides assistance to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to help them live in the community as independently as possible.
Talk to us
Click the button below to get in touch. Whether you’re looking for services, to volunteer, or needing resources, we’re here for you!